Saturday, September 22, 2012

Art Education Ideas & Resources

            Knowing a great deal about your content area and being informed of what is happening in your professional community is essential to creating relevant and engaging lesson plans. Keeping a detailed record of ideas you glean from others, discover from online resources, and learn from classes, both teaching and as a student, will provide a rich pool of information to tailor into unique lesson plans. Maintaining flexibility and experimenting with your lessons, also tends to improve the final outcome.
Visiting art museums and attending art events also provides opportunities for ideas. Looking for unique styles and creative use of materials can provide inspiration for a unique lesson plan and introduce you to work that you might not otherwise see. This would also be a great opportunity to organize a group tour for students and other art educators in your area.
Meeting with other art educators and working to create a sense of community will also create opportunities for collaborative work and the exchange of information and experiences. Observing other art educators in their classrooms to will also provide you with additional ideas for classroom organization, seating arrangements, as well as how they present, and proceed though art lessons.  

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post! Utilizing your professional community, online resources, community resources, and outside references are all fantastic ways to remain connected to your curriculum and keep lessons fresh for both you and your students. Nicely done!
